Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Living intentionally & accepting opportunities

I am starting living intentionally.

I have plans, ideas and dreams. In order to kick off any of these bright sparks however, I need to set the intention to do so.

I recently set the intention of making my own career out of activities that I love and that feed my soul. I have whittled these down to: writing, drawing, design and customer service. I still had not figured out how to get to spending most of my productive working day doing these things, but I set the intention that this is what I want to do.

Out of the blue, I get an offer to get paid to "design" a pricelist and maintain it. My dad-in-law-in-training needs a hand formulating the prices and updating them when needed for his own business. I can do this, I can do it well, and shoot me; I love editing tables in Excel. Some people are just strange like that okay! On that same note, an opportunity to create a website also. All paid work, but more importantly the chance to showcase what I can do for future clients.

I truly believe that this all happened because of the intention I set. I have been reading articles, thinking about it, and generally been aware of my intention to work for myself. Sometimes all you need to do is keep your eyes and ears open for the opportunities that come flying past you. Grab one and hang on, because the path to self-employment is going to be a wild ride!

Thank you to my mom-in-love (thanks to her for coining the phrase "daughter-in-love") for the most beautiful show of support for my partner, starting his own business this Friday. She gifted him with a Jin Chan (or "Money Toad"), as well as abundance candles, and a beautiful card congratulating and encouraging him on this new journey.

I am excited to be along for the ride. We just picked out his uniform (steel grey and deep red long-sleeved button down shirts), and have got pricelists ready. He even has Friday booked full of jobs already, all under his own new company. I am beaming with pride, and shaky with excitement! All the while I hope to slowly work on my craft, fine tuning it to what I want to do for the rest of my life. Which is living intentionally.

No more auto-pilot for me. And if at all possible I will drag the rest of you with me, kicking and screaming if I have to!

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